A good marketer understands that when sending unsolicited direct mail you’re trying to get people’s attention. Presentation is important, but the most important thing is to be generous, and to be generous without strings. “Free” is great. “Free – if you sign a two-year contract” isn’t being generous. It’s an incentive but it’s not generosity. [...]
Making direct mail about the product
The best strategy for setting initial bids in Google AdWords
For Google, CTR is king (everyone wins: no clicks = no one gets paid) and because your account history clock is always ticking, you need to get highest CTR as quickly as possible.
So the strategy should be to bid aggressively right from the start to get a high CTR and then start to bid down [...]
“Session-Based Broad Match” Keywords
We have recently seen a new kind of keyword showing up in Search Query reports: “session-based broad match”. So what does it actually mean?
Back in early 2006, we managed a campaign with a very strict “online sales only” strategy, ensuring that online advertising spend was totally accountable for what it earned by tracking conversions from [...]
Why “broad match” may be broader than you think
This is one of the biggest problem areas for Google Adwords campaigns and which comes up most often when we review them as part of our Google Adwords audits.
Did you catch The Wave?
If you haven’t yet caught sight of Google’s Next Big Thing it’s called The Wave – an exciting revolution in modern communications.
Considered e-commerce
E-commerce came of age by selling easily understood, easy-to-ship goods like books and CDs. However, today’s online shoppers have grown more comfortable buying — or at least shopping for — big-ticket items like furniture and large appliances through the Web.