August 12th, 2009

The product is worth the price

People can do without luxury items. They don’t like going without premium products. Even whilst moaning about the credit crunch shoppers are still splashing out on things they can justify to themselves as “worth it”.  Discounter supermarkets were all the rage in 2008 but in 2009 their growth has slowed dramatically. Conversely the premium store [...]

August 5th, 2009

This book is free AND worth having

Chris Anderson’s books are worth reading so when I saw that his new book was being advertised as a free eBook I jumped at the chance to claim my copy. I was truly excited, feeling that I had stumbled upon a great and generous offer. I had a window open to Facebook ready to post [...]

August 3rd, 2009

Location Targeting in AdWords

How to display your AdWords Ads anywhere in the world you choose to – from Countries, to Metropolitan areas, Cities, Towns, and Customised areas.
It’s not always realised how much control AdWords gives you over where your ads can appear.
Many new advertisers simply want to get as much visibility of their ads as quickly as possible, [...]

July 29th, 2009

The look of the thing

I love being able to buy books in Tesco and I am grateful that I can get a paperback for the same price as a magazine. It means that I get to read all the best sellers once they’ve been made popular by other people. I’ve even read the whole of the much derided Twilight [...]

July 28th, 2009

AdWords Local Extensions

Google Local Business Centre Becomes More Important Than Ever Before for Advertisers with Location-Based Businesses Who May be Using Traditional Yellow Pages Advertising.
Launching in the UK within the next week or so, Google’s new extension to AdWords advertising dynamically transforms your text ads into local ads carrying your relevant addresses.
With multiple addresses, you can have [...]

July 20th, 2009

How much does it cost to use AdWords?

“How much does it cost to run an AdWords campaign, and what happens with my ads?”
Here are the main factors affecting costs:

Competitor advertisers bidding on the same keywords as you
How many searches are going on for that keyword
How well matched your website is to your keywords (the infamous Google Quality Score, which can prevent you [...]

July 15th, 2009

Cash is the most expensive way of buying loyalty

Loyalty programmes specialist The Logic Group has found that although nearly half of all adults are signed up to loyalty schemes they don’t take part in them. Is anyone surprised?
Loyalty is a currency that a retailer has to earn through customer service and care. Customer loyalty is spent every time the store is out of [...]

July 13th, 2009

AdWords and Trademarks – Why is Google Allowing Them in the USA?

Since June 15th 2009, Google is allowing advertisers not only to bid on Trademarked keywords, but also to allow them in the ad text itself.
Since June 15th 2009, Google is allowing advertisers not only to bid on Trademarked keywords, but also to allow them in the ad text itself.
For many years, Google AdWords advertisers have [...]

July 8th, 2009

Google Challenges Microsoft for the Netbook, Laptop and Desktop Space

In its most obvious challenge to Microsoft yet, Google has announced two strategic decisions with far-reaching and potentially hugely disruptive consequences.
The first might seem small and merely cosmetic — the removal of the “beta” tag on several of its core online services, including Gmail, Google docs, Google calendar, and others.
These cloud-based services represent an alternative [...]

July 8th, 2009

Customers have all the power

“The customer is always right” is a terrible phrase that haunts those in retail. Anyone who has ever worked retail (or hospitality or in fact anywhere that is public-facint) knows that the customer can be not just wrong but downright unreasonable.
What is important however is that you resolve as many customer issues as possible. Nowadays [...]