September 23rd, 2009

Christmas is coming!

There are a core of people who moan when they see the first piece of tinsel. They hate that retail Christmas starts in September and firmly believe that Advent calendars shouldn’t have chocolate in them, that Christmas cards are a waste of money and Christmas parties shouldn’t be planned until a week before.

Thankfully these people are a minority. A wingey vocal minority to be sure but not everyone. As they are probably also the sort of shopper who waits until the Christmas sales we don’t have to market to them.

The majority of people, particularly women, are planning already. They are shopping and researching and making tentative enquiries about what people would like as a gift. This is the perfect time to market to them. Your permission marketing, whether that’s electronic or paper, should be feeding your customers ideas. New products, new uses and new associations.

Avoid tagging everything as “Christmas present”.  It’s annoying and irrelevant. Plan out what messages you’re going to send out – or if you need some help and a fresh eye call Gillissa.

Here’s to a profitable Christmas season, starting 1st October!